Welcome to Gardening for Living Well

A new blog for discussing ways to improve your life and mine by gardening so we can all benefit from information we share!!

I am just getting started with my "Gardening for Living Well" blog. I am looking for any positive input and others who are doing the same. Gardening is hard work but in the long run, I believe it will be well worth the effort. I welcome constructive criticism as well as any compliments you might have.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Zeekler - Win TV's, Kindle, iTouch, Cars and more... at incredible savings!

Zeekler - Win TV's, Kindle, iTouch, Cars and more... at incredible savings!
Newly emerged swallowtail - 6/24/10

Sunday, May 23, 2010

signs of a successful garden - at last

Well, after spending the night with the grandbaby, and not able to visit my lovely garden first thing this morning, I was so pleased to see the progress in 24 hours..............

There are actual vegetables appearing!  Yellow squash, zucchini, cucumbers...........green beans are blooming!

After fighting root maggots just one week ago, it was really nice to visit my lovelies and be presented with the rewards of blood, sweat and tears.............literally!

Pictures (with the proof) to follow!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

My little beauties - found on the fennel on May 11, 2010

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Just wanted to add a few pictures very quickly - for those who are not my friends on facebook

little discoveries today

Hello fellow garden lovers!  Hope your gardening is going well!  So far, so good for me!

Today was fun while watering my little beauties...................Swallowtail butterfly caterpillars have hatched on my bronze leaf fennel!!! I love the fact that my efforts pay off.........

Don't you just love God's creations and the blessings that come with hard work and persistence, even ones as small as a caterpillar?!

Meanwhile,  I hope to have so much of everything that I have planted, that I can share it, give it away or maybe even sell it................eggplant, banana peppers, squash, green beans...........and many, many herbs and flowers!

Most everything that died back severely this past winter has come back.  And those that haven't have been replaced.  My roses have surprised me this year by blooming prolifically!  They need to be moved, but not until, at the earliest, in September.

There have only been a few pests - so far!  And they are not really "bugging" me too much.......hopefully they won't be too bad the rest of the summer either.........good luck on that one!  And some of the pesky birds have not even graced my backyard.  I am, however, having difficulty encouraging the song birds to come and feed.  But I will give them time!

Well, time to get back out there before it gets too hot to work!

Talk to you all soon!!!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Second Post

Today is Thursday, April 29, 2010.  (Very hard) work has been going on since Saturday...........work that I didn't expect to be as difficult but sometimes dealing with another person's picky expectations..........one just has to grin and bear it and keep going until the job is done................

Needless to say, the seedlings aren't quite ready to transplant, but they are looking SO GOOD!!! I can't wait to see if they will actually produce something worthwhile this year............

The grandest hopes in my mind are those of a lush, green, fruitful backyard...........one that will bring lots of smiles, not only to me but everyone who goes there..........but in the meantime, there is still soooooooooo much work to be done and I keep pushing myself through the sore muscles, the (oh so slight) sunburn and the nagging problem of letting everything else slide until the day only a few hours gardening is required every day.

Pictures are coming...........PROMISE!!!

P.S. As of this moment, no problems with gardening have arisen...........hold on to your hats because they will!!!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Garden Notes for April 24, 2010

In the garden today:

After just starting seeds a few days ago, many of them have already sprouted.  I know I am probably a little late planting them this year.  The first couple of planting seasons are my part of my "learning" to do vegetable gardening, as I have been proficient in growing tropicals, bulbs, flowers, etc. for many, many years.

Last year, I did not document anything.  I do, however, remember every seed I planted sprouted.  I had more basil than I knew what to do with.........others, however were not so abundant in their growing.......my hubby blames it on the soil.............I think it was the temperatures going from cool to extremely hot, the lack of water and fertilizer............even though, he (hubby) installed an irrigation system but buried it below the roots of the vegetables instead of where they could receive enough water for growth.

This year we have begun with the irrigation on the surface of the beds and will be covered with mulch as soon as the sprouts are large enough so that applying the mulch will not harm them.

So, my week will begin with transplanting many seedlings, some directly into the garden beds, some in pots.......but fun and fulfilling nonetheless............I am excited no matter what!!! I have planted almost 100 different kinds of seeds, mostly flowers, herbs and vegetables.

I will have pictures in the next couple of days, so bear with me as I begin what appears to be an extremely busy but fun week!!!

Day one of my new blog

Today, I went to the Pearland Old Townsite Farmers Market, mostly to gather information........about volunteering with Pearland Community Gardens and Georgia's Grassfed Beef...........and was successful in not only getting the information I wanted but actually signing up with PCG and home delivery of meat and other food items.......YAY!

I know that my blog is supposed to be about gardening but part of my "living well" is finding resourses for eating well too...........

More about my gardening in a while............